Saturday, April 26, 2008


What I know of the holocaust currently is that Jewish people were very conscious of the Nazi's breaking into their houses and sending them to the concentration camps. Because of this kind of experience Jewish people went into secret houses owned by other people, this was called the secret annex. Also this was during World War I. Germany was in a war with the whole world and conquered most of Europe, so even though Jewish reugees eluded to other countries they would most probably still be caught as well as they could in Germany. In the holocaust their was a policy where the Germans had to believe what ever the Government said, especially the status in the World War. Because of this no one was aloud to have a radio because the radio had English broadcasting which actually told the truth than actually positive news to the Germans. This pretty much all I know about the Holocaust, and I hope to know more in the future.

1 comment:

DahoonB said...

You had most and accurate information ever I think till now. I liked how you focused on feeling facts instead of number fats. You focused on like "Jews made secret annex because they wanted to hide from going to the concentration camps." I liked how you showed ypur opinion with the feeling facts you wrote.